Monday, July 11, 2005
Survival mode
It's been one of those weeks that's turned into one of those months. I optimistically made a to-do list at the beginning of the week, with entries such as "Make Father's Day cards." I envisioned selecting an appropriate (wise, loving, sentimental) quote and carefully designing a card to be decorated by Ronan with important and inspiring marker art.
This, of course, was before the ear infection weekend from hell. I was pushing the stroller around the block at 3:30 in the morning trying to get Ronan back to sleep. When that didn't work, I handed him off to JP, who watched Bob the Builder and Mr. Rogers (who sings, "it's a neighborly day in this beauty wood" during the opening song. Somehow I missed that when I was a kid.) for an hour on the couch. And the boy still didn't sleep.
So we had two nights like that. And my to-do list morphed into: scrounge around the kitchen looking for something that resembles bread. Make peanut butter sandwich on frozen pita bread for sick child.
It's funny how quickly our priorities can shift. Things that I thought fell into the "must-do" category end up being in the "disposable" category. The Father's Day cards ended up being stickers on construction paper. But Dadda and both grandfathers loved them.
It's been one of those weeks that's turned into one of those months. I optimistically made a to-do list at the beginning of the week, with entries such as "Make Father's Day cards." I envisioned selecting an appropriate (wise, loving, sentimental) quote and carefully designing a card to be decorated by Ronan with important and inspiring marker art.
This, of course, was before the ear infection weekend from hell. I was pushing the stroller around the block at 3:30 in the morning trying to get Ronan back to sleep. When that didn't work, I handed him off to JP, who watched Bob the Builder and Mr. Rogers (who sings, "it's a neighborly day in this beauty wood" during the opening song. Somehow I missed that when I was a kid.) for an hour on the couch. And the boy still didn't sleep.
So we had two nights like that. And my to-do list morphed into: scrounge around the kitchen looking for something that resembles bread. Make peanut butter sandwich on frozen pita bread for sick child.
It's funny how quickly our priorities can shift. Things that I thought fell into the "must-do" category end up being in the "disposable" category. The Father's Day cards ended up being stickers on construction paper. But Dadda and both grandfathers loved them.